Ingatestone’s back from its holidays
7th September 2016
2 minutes

The summer is often a down time for modellers, as family holidays, the gardening and BBQ’s take over. But we have been continuing with work on Ingatestone mostly on Board 6 (the big corner board that goes into the fiddle yard) with what in the photo looks like a complicated amount of wire and points is in fact a simplification. The expanded fiddle yard being built by Putnum has head shunts so we have now dispensed with ours we just need to return our trains to the (correct?) UK running practice. Hence James, Chris and Lawrence have re-laid the track and put in points and motors in tandem. So with one flick of the switch both move which means a lower risk of accidents as the ladder is either open or closed. As pictured the wires and electrics are in Beta testing ahead of proper installation.
There has also been some progress on the landscape with the footprint of the alms cottages having been finished by Bob we can now fit them in to the landscape. There is now a mock up scenic divide that hides the “back stage” points and exit. Some of the outer edges of the layout have also been lowered and slotted. Chris meanwhile has been busy on rolling stock.
Our next ‘running session’ is on Thursday 22nd September when we will have the two big boards (5 and 6) showing the progress on scenery, with some trains moving which may see test running of the full buffet in Abellio Greater Anglia livery which Chris has done a major conversion job on to make prototypical for Norwich InterCitys. If you would to be part of the team, please drop in on the 22nd and meet the group. We normally meet on Sundays and Mondays
Tom Slade
Layout co-leader
Thursday Track Nights
We are open on Thursday evenings from 7pm to 9pm at our Keen House clubrooms. Visitors are welcome, please come along and introduce yourself.
Keen House, 4 Calshot Street, London, N1 9DA
Become a member