Leaves on the line
7th November 2015
2 minutes

We are looking for an 00 scale modern tractor as tractors of today are quite big and sophisticated as can be seen from the pic of a New Holland (monster sized) tractor crossing the level crossing at Ely. Does anyone know of a 4mm model?
So why the obsession with a farm tractors? Well it’s because the landscape of Ingatestone 00 is to be autumnal to give us a justification to be running top & tailed rail head treatment trains (leaves on the line trains to the general public), hence tractors ploughing fields and half naked trees etc…
With this in mind last week I went to Ingatestone to take some snaps and make notes. I took a pic of the fields to remind me that Essex soil is a chalky brown
a pic of leafs blown against the fence
and the cricket pitch roped off as the playing season was over now .
That different trees turn yellow or golden brown/red at different times so some trees were very dull green still. These observations from the real should serve us well when we come to do our land scape. The railway modeller has to observe much in the world as well as the trains that run through it.
Tom Slade – Joint project leader
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