May 2016 Update
Tom Cunnington
6th May 2016
< 1 minute

It’s all been a bit quiet since the layout visited Portsmouth last Autumn. As is the nature of Club layouts, unfortunately some of the key team behind the layout have had to step back from the project for a while, and as the layout had been up and being worked on for most of 2015, we decided to give it a break whilst we take stock and build up a new team to take the layout forward.
However we’ve been invited to the National Festival of Railway Modelling in Peterborough in October, and there’s nothing like an exhibition to focus the mind, so we’ll be putting the layout up shortly, to work through a reasonably sized list of things that could do with improvement to make it more reliable, and to finish off the scenery. We also need to finish off the rewiring, to make it possible to operate the layout with DC locos, as well as DCC. We’ve had a couple of offers to help, but we’d be delighted to welcome new members to the team – you don’t have to be an EM modeller, just an interest in helping or operating the layout. Please drop me an email or speak to me at Keen House.
Thursday Track Nights
We are open on Thursday evenings from 7pm to 9pm at our Keen House clubrooms. Visitors are welcome, please come along and introduce yourself.
Keen House, 4 Calshot Street, London, N1 9DA
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