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Ingatestone Update – level crossing and backscenes
Although we can’t work on the layout at Keen House, luckily we managed to get some projects home before the lockdown, and making progress. I’ve been filling in more of the back drop today and I feel that its coming together. We have to think of this as some thing seen from afar and although …read more.
Apr 20, 20202mm and N gauge Scissors – a track building weekend
It looks like this might be a track building weekend – as we’ve had two quick updates on what look like quite a bit of work. Richard is making good progress on a 2mm FS scissors crossover on a slight curve – you can see the critical geometry in the V and K crossings is …read more.
Apr 20, 2020A3 live steam – painting and lining
Continuing the story, I have taken to lining out the backend of the A3. Not quite to 2mm standards, but good enough for starters. The lining out around the cab and firebox has progressed quite quickly by using an ‘easi-LINER’ pen. These are tube capillary flow-type pens that take straight gloss enamel paints. In sizes 0.25, …read more.
Apr 19, 2020Quintart Build – Part 1
Our new club EM gauge layout “Orchard Wharf” is in need of some stock, and one of the items asked for the peak hour passenger service is a Gresley Quintart set. Why and what is a Quintart – because they are rakes of 5 coach bodies, with only 6 bogies with the coaches articulating and …read more.
Apr 19, 2020Scratch Building – Roof Tiles
I’m having my first proper stab at scratch building a building – and it’s a blend of two structures at Westport and Castlebar stations in County Mayo, Ireland. Still far from finished so not going to share photos of the whole building just yet… But I’m making progress with the roof. The roof tiles were …read more.
Apr 19, 2020San Luis Bay – Nn3 modelling from Hawaii
On a MUCH smaller scale (Nn3) I have been binge-building here in Hawaii. Or, rather “re-building” a diorama built on a 6’8” x 2’-8” door in the late 1980’s by the late Ken Westcott and architect Andrew Merriam for the San Luis Obispo Historical Museum. It was a static diorama of the 1890’s wharf in …read more.
Apr 18, 20202.5″ Gauge LBSC Fayette
This was built by my Great Grandfather (H.H Groves around 1934 we believe, the design is from 1932 so is one of the earliest examples of this loco) I inherited it from my Grandfather (Bert Groves) and in my memory I had never seen it in steam and we only used it under compressed air …read more.
Apr 18, 2020A3 Progress – Cab
The A3 has made good progress in the cab and firebox region. The former is 3/16” shorter and the latter 3/16” wider on both sides. She now has the ‘sit’ of an A3. I will be experimenting with reinstating the lining on the temporarily touched-in paint job. The engine will get a phased repaint as …read more.
Apr 18, 2020Cambridge Buffet Express – Painting Teak
Guest blogger Steve been working on and off on his five carriage Cambridge Buffet Express set. Four of the coaches are quite a way into their construction but the 61’6″ ex-GN Composite still needs to be designed. For those who haven’t seen them elsewhere, here are some photos of progress so far. The middle carriage …read more.
Apr 18, 2020Cory Wagons – for Copenhagen Fields
Taking a break from building Goods and Mineral junction Signal Box for Copenhagen Fields, in times of crisis somehow wagons seem to spring to life almost of their own volition: these are four new private owners in a very part-built state, bodies more or less done but merely propped up on the under-carts in the …read more.
Apr 17, 2020AA17 Brake Van – in 2mm
Richard has been busy with a new brake van for his 2mm scale layout ‘Lambourn’ – because the Farish toad is too large and not appropriate. The body is 3D printed in Resin at home from his own artwork (other models are available in etched form or another set of 3D prints on Shapeways). Richard …read more.
Apr 13, 2020A3 Rolling Road – Big modelling continued
I haven’t been modelling, as such, but learning how to manage the A3. To do this I made up a rolling road from laser cut components so that all the subtleties of fire and water management can be achieved with the convenience of an engine running on the spot. The engine prefers quite small coal …read more.
Apr 13, 2020