Keep up-to-date with The Model Railway Club
A G-scale commission – Part 1
As you can imagine, we get a fairly steady stream of requests to help others make bespoke model railways, from a huge range of people – private individuals, TV and film productions and fixed installations in commercial premises. We aren’t in a position to help with most for all sorts of reasons (normally unrealistic budgets and timescales), …read more.
May 29, 2016“Blacklade” in Hornby Magazine
MRC member Stephen Siddle’s OO gauge layout “Blacklade” is featured in the June 2016 edition of Hornby Magazine – which is on sale now. You can get a taster for the layout on our Blog, but there is more about it including some lovely pictures in the magzine.
May 16, 2016Ingatestone headlines at The MRC Open House !
Ingatestone had it’s first official display yesterday at Keen House. Receiving many positive comments and considerable interest, we ran our first official train round the layout, powered by Dapol’s forthcoming Class 68 locomotive. Below are pictures of the banner being broken by the first train,together with some other shots taken by the Ingatestone crew! We …read more.
May 9, 2016A point for Ingatestone
The track plan for Ingatestone is relatively simple, at least on the scenic part. However there are two points required and the requirement was for a “B7”. Here’s a quick guide to how it was built – you can try yourself at one of our Track Building skills transfer day. Although the key to building a …read more.
May 7, 2016May 2016 Update
It’s all been a bit quiet since the layout visited Portsmouth last Autumn. As is the nature of Club layouts, unfortunately some of the key team behind the layout have had to step back from the project for a while, and as the layout had been up and being worked on for most of 2015, we …read more.
May 6, 2016Class 68 Launch for Ingatestone
It is only fitting that the MRC’s new OO layout Ingatestone is opened by the latest in 4mm Locomotives. Join us from 11am on Sunday 8th May when Dapol’s brand new Class 68 will break the tape to open our new 21st Century mainline layout.
May 6, 2016Bulletin 490
The May/June 2016 edition of The Bulletin is on its way to members, featuring a range of interesting articles all written by members, including: Martin Long reporting on our former O-gauge layout “Happisburgh” which he bought and now has permanently installed in his garage. Meanwhile there’s an update on “Happisburgh Goods”, the ‘end’ of the old …read more.
Apr 29, 2016Ingatestone gets ready for open house !
Great progress has been made on Ingatestone since the last appearance at Ally Pally last month. We are now attached to our joint fiddle yard. We have run the main track power bus along the remaining front boards 1,2 and 3 and added jumper connections between the boards. The foam sub-base for the landscaping …read more.
Apr 26, 2016Minories at 60th Anniversary Exhibition in Romford
We were delighted to be invited back to the Ilford and West Essex Model Railway Club’s exhibition “West Essex Modelrail” on 23/4 April, their 60th annual show. It took place at the St Edward’s School in Romford, We were in a small pocket of EM layouts, opposite Mike Bell’s “Prospect Wharf …read more.
Apr 23, 2016Library Additions – May 2016
Our library has one of the widest and largest ranges of books of books for railway modellers – covering prototype railways and modelling. The following books have recently been added.
The library is open for browsing on Thursday evenings from 7-9pm (unless there is a lecture), and on our monthly open afternoons. Check out the calendar for details. Members can borrow most books to read and work from at home.
Apr 20, 2016Ingatestone goes to the Palace !
A very successful weekend for Ingatestone at the London Festival Of Railway Modelling held last weekend at Alexandra Palace. After the safe delivery of the three boards (numbers 4 to 6), the “in progress” demo drew a lot of attention and positive comment from the show-goers. Over the weekend, all of the group took their …read more.
Mar 22, 2016Young MRC – Young Model Railway Club
A monthly Saturday morning club for 8-14 year old modellers Young MRC is the monthly Saturday morning club for younger railway modellers, aged from 8 to 14, which is held from 10am to 12 noon at Keen House – normally on the second Saturday of each month. The next club meeting is on Saturday 13th October 2018. Help to build …read more.
Mar 19, 2016