Keep up-to-date with The Model Railway Club
When was the first model railway exhibition?
This was the question posed recently on the excellent mremag – the thrice weekly supply of news and views for railway modellers. I suspect that as the oldest model railway club, our first exhibition is probably the first – in which case the answer would be March 13th 1912 as one of our club evenings …read more.
Mar 15, 2016It’s a wrap !
In preparation for Ally Pally this coming weekend, the Ingatestone crew have been busy getting ready the boards that we are taking to display. On Sunday, the packing crates for the corner boards were finished, with an extra day of work by Tom, Bob and myself getting the foam core for the scenery being cut. …read more.
Mar 15, 2016Membership Offer at May 8th event
We have a fantastic offer for new members joing The MRC at our Open House event on Sunday 8th May 2016.
Not only is membership reduced to just £25 for the rest of 2016, but you also get an exclusive 17-piece modelling tool set worth £39.95*, absolutely free.
Mar 12, 2016MRC Membership Special Offer at LFoRM 2016
We have a fantastic offer for new members joing The MRC at the London Festival of Railway Modelling at Alexandra Palace on 19th/20th March 2016.
Not only is membership reduced to just £25 for the rest of 2016, but you also get an exclusive 17-piece modelling tool set worth £39.95*, absolutely free.
Mar 12, 2016Getting ready for Alexandra Palace
Putnam will be among the 40 layouts appearing at the London Festival of Model Railways. The team have been putting in extra hours to finish a number of mini-projects before we pack everything away ready for transportation ‘up the hill’. Visually there are a number of new buildings along the back of the yard, and …read more.
Mar 7, 2016Ingatestone turns the corner !
After a lot of wiring, testing of the track power on Ingatestone has started – here we have Bachmann Class 37/4 37421 on the up line on board 6 powering round the corner – next Thursday we will be testing the boards that will be attending London Festival of Railway Modelling at Alexandra Palace. Come …read more.
Feb 28, 20162016 Lectures
10th March 2016 – Industry expert Simon Kohler on “Life after Hornby” Details of our autumn programme will be posted shortly. All lectures start at 7.30 at Keen House. Our tea and licensed bars will be opening with a range of refreshments and snacks. Lectures normally finish at 9-9.30pm. Visitors are welcome, but are asked …read more.
Feb 26, 2016Bulletin 489
The March/April 2016 edition of The Bulletin is on its way to members, featuring a range of interesting articles all written by members, including: Martin Long on a visit to “The Buckingham Branch”. Built by the late MRC member Rev Peter Denny, the layout is in a new home in Yorkshire. Dave Coasby casts his …read more.
Feb 19, 2016Ingatestone powers ahead !
This weekend saw Lawrence. Mo and Tom make progress with the power wiring for the layout, as well as on the woodworking. Protector boards to avoid track damage on board ends are being fabricated, and the covers for the trolleys that will be home to the corner boards 5 and 6 took more steps forward. …read more.
Feb 8, 2016Layouts on tour – Spring 2016
Our layouts are all designed to be portable, so they can be taken to exhibitions. This spring we are delighted to have been invited to some great shows, including: 20th Feb – Minories (GN) headed into Southern territory at Tonbridge, whilst Happisburgh Goods went in the opposite direction to Biggleswade 12/13th March – Caledonian Goods (aka Mrs …read more.
Feb 7, 2016MRC features in Italy
We’re delighted to be featured in the leading Italian magazine “iTreni’s” 388th edition, with an article about the history of The Club and some archive pictures. The contents page is shown here, and you can find out more about the magzine at its website.
Feb 7, 2016