Keep up-to-date with The Model Railway Club
Empire Mills – Getting ready for Portsmouth
I haven’t posted for a while – this doesn’t mean we haven’t been doing anything we have – well I haven’t but the team has. However, with an exhibition looming we have had a burst of activity that quite frankly puts our gentle summer progress to shame. The show – its all about the show …read more.
Oct 14, 2015Latest Library additions
Our library is one of the most extensive in the UK, with a wide range of prototype and modelling titles including back issues of some of the key historical magazines. Members and visitors are welcome to browse most Thursdays from 7-9pm (unless there is a lecture) and on our monthly open-afternoon. Some of the latest …read more.
Oct 7, 2015Update – Track laying and Carpentry.
Above we see a couple of pictures taken by Lawrence Robbins this afternoon at Keen House. These show the great progress being made on Ingatestone. Mo, Tom and Kevan are seen building the base for the new dollies that will take boards 5 & 6 in due course. The second photo shows boards 5 …read more.
Oct 4, 2015London Festival of Railway Modelling 2016
The London Festival of Railway Modelling is the capital’s premier exhibition, held every March at the fabulous Alexandra Palace in North London. The next show is on Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th March 2016, and we’re delighted to confirm that the following layouts, representing a wide range of scales and prototypes, have accepted our invitation to attend. …read more.
Sep 25, 2015London Festival of Railway Modelling
The London Festival of Railway Modelling is the capital’s premier exhibition, held every March at the fabulous Alexandra Palace in North London. Thanks to everyone who attended the 2018 exhibition, and especially the new members who have joined at the event. The next show is on Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th March 2019, with around 40 layouts, representing a …read more.
Sep 25, 2015London Festival of Railway Modelling
The London Festival of Railway Modelling is the capital’s premier exhibition, held every March at the fabulous Alexandra Palace in North London. Thanks to everyone who attended the 2016 exhibition, and especially the new members who have joined at the event. The next show is on Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th March 2017, with around 40 layouts, representing a …read more.
Sep 25, 2015“Blacklade” – an OO gauge layout by Stephen Siddle
Welcome to BR’s “crumbling edge of quality”. “Blacklade” is the surviving station in a small Midlands county town, served by local trains to Nottingham, Birmingham (both ex Midland) and Sheffield via Chesterfield (ex GC). Trains are worked by elderly 1950s diesels reinforced by new Sprinters. The layout has been built by …read more.
Sep 19, 2015U2Can in filming debut
Several times a year, we get asked to provide a model railway for some sort of filming – TV news, feature or advert. We oblige whenever we can, assuming we can adapt one of our layouts to suit the brief (or the brief can be adapted to suit our layouts!). We were asked to …read more.
Narrow gauge railways are not to every enthusiast’s taste, many believing that locos and stock to the small dimensions necessary to run on such lines could not possibly do very much of a job of work other than potter about hauling tourists along a short length of track. Yet the Sittingbourne & Kemsley, built …read more.
Sep 13, 2015Ingatestone Summer progress report.
The last few weekends have seeen further progress on both tracklaying and making handholds. All boards have now had the handholds routed out, which will be a major safety and comfort feature on the layout, enabling a firm grip to be kept when manoeuvering the boards around. The first track on boards 5 and 6 …read more.
Aug 24, 2015Download Leaflet
This is the download area for MRC printed materials. Click on the link to download the relevant document. MRC Trip to North Kent Twickenham MRC Open Day 25th July Flyer Article – Twickenham MRC Open Day showcases new layouts
Jul 22, 2015MRC Open Thurs 6th August as usual despite Tube strike
Keen House will be open as normal despite the London Tube Strike this Thursday – and we’ll be open a little earlier than usual from 6pm if you wouild like to avoid the worst of the rush.
A number of buses stop close by, and rail services in an out of King’s Cross and St Pancras (including Thameslink) are working normally. Note that parking on the streets around Keen House is free after 6:30pm, and there is a Santander cycle hire docking station outside.
The demonstration on building and painting stone buildings by Eric Sainte will start at about 7.15pm.
Jul 9, 2015