The Club builds and operates layouts in a variety of scales.

A3 live steam – painting and lining

Continuing the story, I have taken to lining out the backend of the A3. Not quite to 2mm standards, but good enough for starters. The lining out around the cab and firebox has progressed quite quickly by using an ‘easi-LINER’ pen. These are tube capillary flow-type pens that take straight gloss enamel paints. In sizes 0.25, …read more.

Apr 19, 2020

A3 Progress – Cab

The A3 has made good progress in the cab and firebox region. The former is 3/16” shorter and the latter 3/16” wider on both sides. She now has the ‘sit’ of an A3. I will be experimenting with reinstating the lining on the temporarily touched-in paint job. The engine will get a phased repaint as …read more.

Apr 18, 2020

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